about all the things in real life

about all the things in real life

Welcome! Here words, art, photography, and faith collide. Join me as we talk about all the things in real life - marriage, friendships, parenting, faith, art, and more.

It’s in her eyes. Written in her laugh lines and the smile that tugs at the corners of her mouth. It’s in the baby she’s rocking, the stretch marks on her belly, and the notes she tucks into college care packages. It’s in the garden she tends, the bread she bakes, and the art she creates. It’s in how she greets a client, strums a guitar, or makes space for others.

She’s got a story.

I am fascinated by women’s journeys and the strength it takes to balance dreams, work, goals, family, self-care, and faith. Over the last decade, from conferences to churches to around our dining room table to gatherings under shady trees in West Africa, I have been privileged to hear the heart stories of women who change the world.

living the creative life

Whether it’s watercolors, Procreate, acrylics, photography, or words, I always have a project (or seven) going. Now you can support my writing and projects in Kenya through my art shop.

All the Insta things