Tea time in Bath! Loved my English tea with an English garden just outside!

all the words

When I write a blog post, I often sit with a cup of tea and ponder what I would say if you sat with me. That's what this space is for. You and me, hands wrapped around warm cups, catching up, sharing thoughts, dreaming, living creatively, and enjoying all the things in real life.

I Got You
She's Got A Story Wendy Blackwell She's Got A Story Wendy Blackwell

I Got You

She's Got a Story: Courtney - I really want to be someone people know they can count on, and if they need something, I am the person they can call. If I have something I can do for somebody, then I'm all over it. That’s kind of my love language. I think that is why catering works so well for me because I like to cook for people, I like to feed people, I like to do for people, and catering just kinda fulfills that.”

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The Prayer Lady
She's Got A Story Wendy Blackwell She's Got A Story Wendy Blackwell

The Prayer Lady

She's Got a Story: Helen - ?Crazy thing: a couple of years ago, the Lord started having me ask people to tell me your name and something I can pray for you for. Everyone at the CVS knows I’m the prayer lady.?

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Sunflowers & Pom-Poms
She's Got A Story Wendy Blackwell She's Got A Story Wendy Blackwell

Sunflowers & Pom-Poms

She's Got a Story: Julie - Through her business Julie seeks to come alongside women. Helping them to not only identify health and emotional concerns, but also to have accountability and support in their own journeys. Her own wellness journey showed her the power of emotions, the need for toxin-free solutions, and self-care. While she admits self-care does look different for everyone, she points out that women (the superwomen especially) tend to put off caring for themselves.

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A Main Character Life
She's Got A Story Wendy Blackwell She's Got A Story Wendy Blackwell

A Main Character Life

She’s Got a Story: Lauren - That girl dreamed of a bigger life, far-off places, and fantasy worlds where everyone was accepted for themselves. Her journey from these childhood dreams to a successful business is a testament to her determination and resilience

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