The Janky Little House

There's dust on the ceiling layers and layers. The fridge leaks. There's a bit of a downhill slant to the kitchen floor. Only one shower works. And it always takes us a couple of tries to get the keyless entry on the front door to work. With its old paneling, outdated decor, and less-than-comfortable living room furniture, the house leaves a bit to be desired.

And yet....

There is a Kenyan flag (size doesn't matter) flying on the back deck.

There are teenagers and young adults laughing in the kitchen.

There are sandy shoes by the back door, bathing suits hanging on the deck, and boogie boards drying by the hose.

This house is janky.

But this is the house where we gather before our girl leaves for college. This is the house we brought our dear Kenyan friends to see the Outer Banks. This is the house where my family is nesting this week.

And it dawns on me as I shuffle through the deep sand back towards shade and AC (even if it doesn't work too well) this house will hold special memories after we leave. We might remember how the dishwasher isn't anchored and tips when you try to load it. We will remember the laughter as we discussed how many goats our teen daughter could fit in her Civic (inspired by the stories of Kenyan transportation). We might not remember how hot the house was when we lay down to sleep. We will remember splashing in the ocean that usually separates us from our friends.

Isn't that the beauty of time, and what becomes a memory? God moves in the space of what was and leaves us traces of grace, and softens the hard edges of our experiences.

I smile as I fumble to get the weird door unlatched from the bathroom (we won't discuss how many times people have gotten stuck this week). I think about how something frustrating now will morph into the charm of that janky little place we once stayed. And the grace of God nudges me as I finally make it out the door...see things with the softer filter now...understand the grace that unfolds even when our expectations are not fully in the moment that is full of some of my favorite people in the world.

See the janky little house as endearing and the place God makes lovely.


Cozy. Melancholy. Lovely.


When You Burst Wide Open