Wendy Writes

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The Prayer Lady

She’s Got a Story: Helen

A traumatic childhood and struggles in early adulthood left Helen with emotional scars and unhealthy habits. When talking about her healing journey, recent therapy, and what God has done in her, she said, “The scripture, “He will restore all that the locusts have stolen,” I have found that in my life so much. I’ve just watched him do that again and again and again. (I asked her to give me a recent example.) Working on my confidence, this whole imposter thing, feeling like I don’t have value. I never learned how to give myself value, and I didn’t know that until last year. We started working on it in therapy. Having healthy boundaries in relationships. Making room for myself and filling up instead of just pouring out. Setting boundaries with family. I am not throwing myself under the bus to make everybody okay anymore. It’s still hard. It’s still messy. But it’s okay, and I’m okay.”

Helen lives to please the Lord and create a safe space for people to share and be themselves. Through her prayer ministry and relationships, she seeks to tell people, “He sees you. He hears you. You have value.”

Helen's living room embodies the safe space she hopes to offer others with a comfy couch, blankets, tissues, and even a crocheted Jesus to hug. The truth is that Helen carries that safe space with her. Her relationship with God has given her worth and love; now, she seeks to provide that to others. Whether through the pharmacy drive-up window, driving past somebody on her little buggy at the Wal-Mart, or someone sitting in the next pew, the Lord has given Helen a heart for people and a ministry to reach out.

“I have a prayer ministry. Crazy thing: a couple of years ago, the Lord started having me ask people to tell me your name and something I can pray for you for. Everyone at the CVS knows I’m the prayer lady. If you get me in the window, I’m going to ask your name. When they give me the bag with my medicine, I have them write down their name and something I can pray for them. And everywhere I go – in the doctor’s office, at the store – I stop the people He tells me.”

With a sensitive heart and gentle smile, Helen finds a way to connect with the people around her and invite them into her life, her circle…even her living room. “I just try to give people the grace God has given to me.”

A walking redemption story, Helen quickly tells everyone what God has done for her. I’ve known Helen for many years (I’ve spent many hours on her couch!), and I am always blessed to hear how God is using her. I find Helen’s faith inspiring—in spite of health struggles or life’s difficulties, she seeks to be a living testimony of the goodness of God. And she is…..