Coming Soon

Bookshops & Besties

A few months ago I saw this meme…

I love bookstores and any reason to have an adventure, road trip, hangout, or bookish time with my besties. So, I began plotting.

Last week I visited two different local indie bookstores with two besties (a different bestie at each store). We explored the stores, bought books (cuz, um, we were at a bookstore), chatted with the owners, and at one store, we even had ice cream! Starting next week I’ll share our adventures and a few photos from the bookstores we visit.

As I mentioned our adventures to people over the last week (whether in person or on social media), people quickly hopped on board, offering to go with me. Seems like I suddenly have a squad of girls ready to step into the bestie position and go explore bookish places. And I love that. I love that people who love books are always ready to visit a store. And I love that bookstores are quickly becoming third spaces welcoming people in to read, be part of a book club, or meet with others of similar interests.

I am excited to explore indie shops. Did you know that Barnes & Noble is changing their store model and trying to look more like an indie shop? Why? Because they are a living, breathing part of the community…something a chain can never completely emulate. But, I digress.

This is your heads up…Bookshops and Besties officially launches next week!

If you have a suggestion for a bookstore worth visiting (aren’t they all though?) let me know.


Living Openly Messy


A Main Character Life