Tea time in Bath! Loved my English tea with an English garden just outside!

all the words

When I write a blog post, I often sit with a cup of tea and ponder what I would say if you sat with me. That's what this space is for. You and me, hands wrapped around warm cups, catching up, sharing thoughts, dreaming, living creatively, and enjoying all the things in real life.

Post-it Note Truth
Wendy Blackwell Wendy Blackwell

Post-it Note Truth

Now, I am working to undo decades of flawed thinking and living unlovable, and while I have some physical habits to build the truth is that this is mostly a battle of the mind. Learning what my body needs, not what my habits tell me I need (which is really more a want than a need). I am learning that I can do the hard things - one more lap, one more rep, skip seconds on dinner, not graze or snack at all hours, and drink enough water.

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The Janky Little House
Wendy Blackwell Wendy Blackwell

The Janky Little House

Isn't that the beauty of time, and what becomes a memory? God moves in the space of what was and leaves us traces of grace, and softens the hard edges of our experiences.

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When You Burst Wide Open
Missions Wendy Blackwell Missions Wendy Blackwell

When You Burst Wide Open

Living burst wide open isn't pretty; it's raw, vulnerable, and sloppy. The challenge is actually to live it. Throwing your arms around people means you have to throw your arms around real people - people are messy, hurtful, and offensive. (But so are you...so am I.) Living is feeling and carrying burdens.

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